Every once in awhile you create a card that you fall in love with. To be honest you amaze even yourself with what you have created. This year I think I hit it out of the park - yes I am tooting my own horn!
This beautiful card is created using two of my favorite Fun Stampers Journey Card stock colors -Bubble Gum and Watermelon Fusion. The Whip Cream card stock was embossed with FSJ I Heart embossing folder. It was then dusted with Pan Pastels in Bubble Gum and Silver. The stamp is from the 2017-2018 Inspiration Catalog and is called You Are (it is only$8.95 to purchase). The card is pulled together with Satin Watermelon Fusion Ribbon and accented with Brushed Silver Organza Ribbon.
Please remember today You are amazing, beautiful, remarkable, brilliant & loved.
Bringing paper to life with a cuppa tea!